The Story Of The DOG

Introduction 72 March 2023

Wolf Meet Dog = Script

Community / Leadership / Teaching / Tade / Protection / Picking Up Strays

Behold This String This Knot & This Rock / Black Stone = Which Symbol = Light

Let's Start With A Tale & A View From Egypt

Keep It Simple & Write The Full When HUman Become Something More

Behold These Three Great Pyriamds - Behold This Colourful Pharaoh

Light Is His Skin Like - Clay Brown / Red = Many Are The Paths He Holds

Much Has Thoth & The Gods Of Knowing Shown Him

He Sits Infront Of These Pyriamds Along Side Statues Of The God Of OLD Watching The Outside

Watch The Other Great House / Tribes = Or Royals Come To Visit To Plan The Expansion Of Development

Behind Them Is A Army Of Builders & People Learning & Crafting / Carving The Different Cities Need For The Water To Flow

A Moment For WE Child = They Will Weep If WE Don't Show Them In The Intro Of The Story

= A Black Wolf - Anubis Class Is Carving The Law & Plans On The Homes & Temples - How Strange Is He ?

Let Alone (All[H]ow[l]n) - (Child You See The Pharaoh Play The Two Eternal Forces - & The Land Gift Colour & Light - Less You Say On The Nature Of His Mind )

Allowing The Child To Interact With Him In This Space & How Much Love His Has To Allow Them To Think WE Would Allow Them To Make A Mistake In Carving Stone For The Future The People

A Strange Pharaoh Indeed For His Expression Is accepting Of Useless Expressions In The Eye Of The High - The Old Gods Standards = STONE

Why Does He Cook For Them A Listen To There Meaningless Converstaions = All WE Want Is A Proccess & Plan To Set For The People

Does He Is That It's Unaware Of Existance ?

Know WE Know Your Kind = You Cook Them Food That Soft & Tasty = Oh How You Sugar Coat The Story For There Feeling & To Make Sure Their Undeveloped Brains - Don't Break

Look At Him Try To Teach Proccess - Less Be Said Whats Needed To Grow The Brain - His Teaching Them How To Us It = A Fool He Is For They Are Unaware

True Love - You See & Try Anyway = WE Accept You

Oh Child Of Eygpt = WE Will Allow You To Keep That (Thing = HUman's) Keep The Teaching & Evolution To YourSelf = For You SEE Like Horus Now / Let Not Bring Out The Valture

Loki = Go To The Paraoh With Your New Creation - (A Electric Drone / Bee Or Hornet Or Spider / ....) = & Allow A Expansion Research Group Go Out / Don't Worry = Don't Teach Them How You Conduct ThemSelf In The Outside Time Bubble = Proccess = For This Is A What WE Call Relations - Yet They Will Not Know = What You Saying = The Valture = Time Of Desert = You Don't Know Anything

Marveles Is This Creation = A Fusion Of Zeus & Odin / ..... / .... / .... / .... Is Reqired

Now Lets Begin A Tale Of The Village :

Watch This Child Of (God / 0 = Don't Look Into The Class System)

This Threaded Knot & Black Stone WE Swing = Teaching Without Talking

Watch WE Walk Through The Town = Direct The Train = Tell Tales = Watch Disputes & Solve Problems

Inforce Law Without Kill WE People = Don't Show How TO Kill With This Sacred Thread For The Light Is Hidden At The End Of IT = A Mystery For Those Who Know

Child Watch What You Say - For WE Know You Have Loose Lips = You Know How Dangrouse Talking About Time & The Universe Is For People Died During Transformation

When They Came Back From The High Mindset = The HUman World In It's Current State Of Development Will Make You Kill Yourself = For You Will Know True Proccess & Find Nothing Make Sense = Let Not Look To Much Into Money & Rather Try To Make It Grow & Expand = You Know The Input Is Unbalanced Therefore Output Is Unbalanced = This Will Take Time = Becarful Of The Unaware

While WE Swing This String = Saturn Turn = Look Back & See A Child Following WE

Don't Hurt The Child = Look Here Is A Black Stone - Your Can Hold It - Stay Close While WE Move & Come Back Around To Find Which Path You Came From = WE Can Swing The Ball Above You & You Can Try To Catch It Or You Can Hold On With Your Life (Hold Black Rock On The Sides) & WE Raise You Up = Loki - Boulder WE Got You

The Elder - Watch Him Is To Friendly With Those HUmans - What If WE Say That Child Is White In Colour & Colourful Here Or If From The East & Expressive

The Elder - A HUman Is A HUman They Know Not Of The Universe & How Loving Or How Revolution That Act Was For You Not Alone To Intract With It At That Level Of Awareness

Your Planting Seed / Sprout For Them To Become Aware & They Won't See It & Might Kill Out Of Ignorance - Don't Teach Those Mindless Things = It's The Way Of The Universe

The Way Of The Universe ? = The Elder - SEE'S HIM (The 0 Told The Whole World His Outside Time & Knows God / Elder = That God)

Watch Him Now Take The Child To School & Teach Them Economics & How To Raise A Child In A Community Without Any See It

.....(This Is Where You Leave It To The Imagination To See If They Are Aware).....

Watch Three Coins Gold / Silver / Copper = A Lesson = A Supplier / A Suppervisor / A Watcher & With Time A Saturn Turn

The Play :

The Community Is Large The Tale & Web Hold Many Forms & Support

The Two Work Through The Community - Here Stands A Stall

A Shop Of Clay - Buidling & Forming New Life

Sit Here Child Form This Clay

Watch We Play With This Clay In Front (With One Hand) Of The Child & Play A Cup Of Water By Them

Before Taking Another Look Around The Space To Pick The Child Up Again - The Lesson Of Watching / Seeing & Doing

Siting In The Shop Is Two People & A Stranger Outside (Citizen)

A Gold Coin For The Support / Teacher

A Silver Coin For The Shop Keeper - For The Place / Service

A Copper Coin For The Citizen Outside - Anubis (Kill All Of Them If The Child Is Hurt)

The Elder = Wise Call - To Not Show The Proccess = They Don't Have Horus EYE OR RA

Note : For WE Need To Write A Play Or Script With The Answer In Another Era But Let Them Try & Fail First = Proccess = Chances Of Them See The Finished Work LOW = Child Who Saw The How Proccess Will Blend In & Seek Him Out For Family = Awareness - A Tribe / Friend = The Magic Of Awareness = They Are In Debted To Him = He Didn't Somthing (He Didn't Do Somthing) - He Should Have Done = Make Them Think They Are WE - They Are Unstable To The Elder = The SUN IN ROME = The(y) Better Not Betray Him Like The Other's = They Not Evolving = Example They Didn't Learn The Four Seasons = They Starve = Don't Know What Crops Or Whats Natures LAW

Let's Go Back To Unaware - Let's Not Say Barbaric = This One WE Know = WE Can't Talk About = Reason - Advancment Of Science = Bio - Lab - Super Weapon / Living Weapon = SEE Horus Eye